Leadership Lab
Providing Jewish Leaders with the tools, language and framework to build the Jewish future
The Z3 Leadership Lab program empowers Jewish professionals with the language, tools and framework to implement Z3 initiatives worldwide.
This hands-on seminar combines conceptual discussions and practical applications, focusing on making Peoplehood and Zionism central in community education and discussions. Developed in collaboration with the Z3 Project and partners, this unique seminar opportunity fosters a stronger global Jewish identity.
Why Leadership Lab
If you’re looking to make Zionism and Jewish Peoplehood an important or integral part of your organization, Leadership Lab might be a good fit for you.
Z3 Ecosystem
Z3 Leadership Lab offers participation in a growing network of professionals who have partnered with us since 2021. We’re always eager to learn together, and explore new content and tools we can bring back to our communities.
Theory of Change
We believe a Zionism and Peoplehood lens can be incorporated into every thread in the organization. We’re exploring ways to do so together.
leadership lab in action
Tucson Jewish Community Center
Learn how our conference and training with the TJCC leadership have equipped their community leaders with essential tools for facilitating dialogue, significantly enriching their Jewish programming initiatives.
Participating organizations