2024 Z3 Conference
Breakout Round Two
Sunday, November 17
The Elections Are Over. Now What?
Seiler Family Gymnasium
Elizabeth Naftali, Dr. Liel Leibowitz and Nadav Eyal, Liz Hirsh Naftali
Moderated by Dr. Oleg IvanovThe 2024 Presidential election is finally behind us—or is it? Panelists will explore the elections’ implications for Israel, the Jewish community, and the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Sun Nov 17 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM PST
Breakout Round 2 -
Why are the People of the Book Struggling to Tell a Story?
Schultz Cultural Arts Hall
Amy Albertson, Marnie Black and Eylon Levy
Moderated by Emma GossMore than anything else, the Jewish people have given the world its stories of heroes and nations, prophets, and even God. So why are we doing so poorly in the narrative war today? How does a culture known for its words fail to tell its story to the world? Panelists explore what hinders our messaging and what new approaches might help ensure our narratives are heard, understood, and valued.
Sun Nov 17 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM PST
Breakout Round 2 -
Talking Dugri: Are Peace and Coexistence Possible?
Freidenrich Conference Center
(4th Floor)Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, Dr. Masua Sagiv, and Mohammad Darawshe
Moderated by Laura AdkinsWith global attention to the Middle East war and its protests, little attention is paid to finding a realistic path to peace. But beyond the armies and the demonstrations, there are real people on the ground, looking for a better future. Our panelists, committed activists, and leaders who live in the reality of the area and its complexity will offer ideas for a real-world resolution to the conflict while reflecting on the limitations of today’s public discourse.
Sun Nov 17 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM PST
Breakout Round 2 -
Healing Starts Here: Collective Trauma and Growth After 10/7
Dr. Adi Zief-Balteriski and Limor Goldhaber
This workshop fosters resilience and unity, led by trauma expert Dr. Adi Zief-Balteriski and sound bath practitioner Limor Goldhaber. Through shared reflections, immersive sound healing, and gratitude journaling, participants will explore pathways for healing and growth, grounding themselves in community support and connection.
Sun Nov 17 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM PST
Breakout Round 2 -
What Are We Teaching Our Kids?
Dr. Ezra Kopelowitz, Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer, Shalom Orzach
Moderated by Hilla DrechlerEducation has stood at the core of every Jewish community since the High Priest Yehoshua Ben Gamla first made it mandatory in 65 CE. But are we doing it right? Are we giving them the knowledge and tools to live a fulfilling Jewish life and to develop a deep, layered, and lasting relationship with Israel and Israelis? In this panel, experts will ask whether our Jewish educational frameworks—from formal schooling to teacher training—are truly fulfilling the ancient call to educate our children.
Sun Nov 17 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM PST
Breakout Round 2 -
Crisis on Campus: A Deeper Look at Universities and Activism
Nadav Douani, Dr. Gregg Drinkwater, and Julia Steinberg
Moderated by Rabbi Dr. Daniel LehmannUniversities have become hotbeds of anti-Israel activism, creating concern across the Jewish community. However, student experiences are often a lagging indicator, reflecting deeper problems at the faculty, administration, government relations, and alumni levels. This panel takes a holistic view, considering perspectives from academics, students, and critics. It will offer a deeper dive into the root causes of the problem and will offer suggestions for a path forward.
Sun Nov 17 | 2:30 – 3:45 PM PST
Breakout Round 2