Z3’s Five-Sided Dreidel: Miracles are Everywhere

As Hanukkah teaches us, miracles often begin with small acts of courage. In the diaspora, the traditional dreidel has four sides, each inscribed with a Hebrew letter: nun נ, gimmel ג, hey ה, and shin ש — representing the phrase “nes gadol haya sham” (“a great miracle happened there”). In Israel, the shin is replaced with a peh פ for “poh,” meaning “here,” because the Hanukkah miracle took place in Israel.

At the Z3 Project, we’ve created a unique five-sided dreidel featuring both the shin and the peh — symbolizing that miracles happen both here and there. Our mission is to strengthen the bonds between Israel and the global Jewish community, reminding us that through courage and unity, we can create miracles that transcend borders.

No matter where we celebrate, this dreidel reminds us that we are in it together — here, there, and everywhere. May we all kindle the light that allows miracles to shine brighter, wherever we are.


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