Draizy Lefkowitz
Runs Chabad of Brunswick

A) What qualities make the nominee deserving of the Z3 Bridge Builder Award?

Draizy is an outstanding leader in our Midcoast Maine Jewish community. She works tirelessly to bring together Jews from all denominations and backgrounds, and provide a judgment free space where they can participate in Jewish traditions, religion, culture and learning to whatever degree they are comfortable with.

B) In what ways has the nominee demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment to their work in bridging divides?

Draizy and her husband run the Chabad Center in Midcoast Maine. They regularly organize and host events to bring together all Jews in the area, regardless of their political leanings, background, or level of religious observance. They make sure to offer regular services, holiday meals, cultural events and opportunities for furthering one's Jewish education. In a region where Jews are a tiny minority, it makes a huge difference in the lives of local Jewish families.

C) How has the nominee's work impacted the Jewish community and beyond?

It allows Jews in the area to have a safe place to meet other Jews, and connect with their Judaism. There are also regular opportunities to learn more about Judaism and Jewish culture.