Linsey (Esther) Adams Aharony
Head of Women's Emuna Builders Facebook Group
A) What qualities make the nominee deserving of the Z3 Bridge Builder Award?
Esther runs the Women's Emuna Builders Facebook Group. She is open to any one joining regardless of religious background or practice. She instructs us in prayer and observance. She leads prayer treks to the graves of tzaddiks, which gives us an opportunity for prayer and connection for klal Israel. She uses each trek, holiday, and occasion for us to learn and pray for each other and unite the Jewish people. She has continued throughout the war to the best of her ability. In her own words:
Shalom, my name is Esther Nava. I am an American Orthodox Jewish woman who made aliyah March 2018 (moved to Israel). This group is to be able to see some of the holy sites and kevers (holy gravesites) and also engage in praying for others that believe in the power of prayer and from all backgrounds. Isaiah the Prophet writes that the Creator's House of Prayer belongs to all of mankind. Mankind's purpose on earth is to get to know the Creator and to believe in Him. When we pray for ourselves, we are expressing gratitude for our life and our desire to maximize it. When we pray for others we are acknowledging our love for our fellow human beings and recognizing the Divine image imprinted on them. As a result, we are brought into closer in relationship with those for whom we pray, and we are drawn closer to the Creator.
I thank my teacher, the righteous Rabbi Shalom Arush, Rabbi Lazer Brody, Rabbi Dr. Zev Ballen may Hashem bless them.
By praying for others it boosts our emuna (faith) in our own lives! This will also be a place to speak emuna and inspire others for their emuna to increase. This is not a place to preach religion or convert people.
B) In what ways has the nominee demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment to their work in bridging divides?
Esther has 3,800 Facebook members and has an app, website, email, WhatsApp, and authored several books. She frequently engages in challenges that anyone can participate in. The Facebook page is live with several posts every day, and members can post as well.
C) How has the nominee's work impacted the Jewish community and beyond?
Esther made aliyah in 2018. Since that time, she has engaged in 100's of prayer treks to kevers, to foster klal Israel and enable each and every one of us to participate in a higher calling, a connection to the tzaddiks' realm. She has a unique program with horses, called Strides to Solutions, which embraces healing through this special connection. Her passion for animals extends to poodles as well, and she just launched a program to bring solace and comfort to survivors of October 7. Esther has a unique gift with Judaism and animals.
She recently published 5 books available on Amazon, a series entitled "Pick Me Up Hashem, which is #1 in new releases.