Liel Leibovitz
Editor at Large, Tablet Magazine

Liel Leibovitz is editor at large at Tablet Magazine, and the host of its flagship podcast, Rootless, as well as of its daily Talmud podcast, Take One. A frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Commentary, and other publications, Liel is also a regular columnist for First Things magazine and a senior research fellow at the Hudson Institute, focusing on anti-Semitism as a national security threat. He's the author or co-author of eleven books, including, most recently, How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Very Old Book. A recovering academic, he taught at NYU, Barnard College and elsewhere before extricating himself from the wreckage. His PhD is about video games, a fact that still makes his seven-year-old self very happy. A ninth generation Israeli and a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces, he lives in Manhattan with his wife and children.