Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, Ph.D.
Head of School, Gideon Hausner
Jewish Day School

Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, Ph.D. has devoted over 30 years to innovative leadership in pluralistic Jewish education and interreligious learning. He is currently the Head of Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School in Palo, Alto, CA. Before moving to Silicon Valley, Rabbi Lehmann served as President of Hebrew College in Newton, MA, and President of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. He was the Founding Headmaster of Gann Academy – The New Jewish High School of Greater Boston, Founder and Director of the Berkshire Institute of Music and Arts (BIMA), co-founder of the Hevruta Gap-year Program of the Shalom Hartman Institute, co-founder of the Jewish high school Moot Beit Din competition, and co-founder of the North American Association of Jewish High Schools.